The Southern California Augmentative and Alternative Communication Network... a support group for professional development, problem solving, leadership, mentoring, and training in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to develop communication in non-speaking and minimally verbal individuals in the Southern California Region.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

PrAACtical AAC: Choices in Choicemaking

Give a read to this fantastic post from Carole Zangari at PrAACtical AAC.  Here are some teasers from the post:
1.  “How can we craft an AAC system that targets requesting for now, but also supports core language learning? For communicators who are at the earliest stages of making requests with AAC symbols, the strategy we discussed earlier this month or simple choice boards are a good starting point. But unless we quickly address where this is all going, the client will be strictly limited in their language learning. There are many ways to do this...(many great ideas follow, link HERE).

 3.  My client isn’t very motivated by ‘things’ other than food. How else can I build requesting skills?” Here are some things to try that go beyond choosing objects:
A partner to work with (e.g., “Do you want to play with Jenna or Marcus?”)
Someone to sit beside (e.g., “You can sit by me or Alyssa.”)
Who will help the learner (e.g., “Who do you want to help you? Ms. Margie or Marcus?”)
What to do next (e.g., “What do you want to do now? Math Center or Listening Center?”)
Where to put ___ (e.g., “You can put it on the table or in my bag.”)
Someone to give ___ to (e.g., “Do you want to give it to me or Ms. Margie?”)
Where to go next (e.g., “Should we do it at the table or on the floor?”)
How to travel around the environment (e.g. “Should we hop or dance?”)
How to move something (e.g., “Should the plane fly up or down?”

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