Australia loves its AAC! I don't know about you, but I wasn't able to attend the 2015 AGOSCI 12th Biennial Conference in Brisbane, QLD. But that doesn't mean we can't eavesdrop on those who did! Follow one of these four paths to more information about AGOSCI and the excellent conference proceedings:
1. Jane Farrall posted a few of her presentations on her blog, HERE. Take a look at:
- Literacy Through Curriculum: Using the Australian Curriculum as a Springboard for Literacy with Lorna Fenech
- AAC and Literacy in Partnership to Develop Language with Helen Tanish
- Do’s and Dont’s of Implementing Real Communication Through AAC with David Niemeijer
2. Take a look at tweets from the conference, #AGOSCI2015.
3. Read a blog post or article, like "A Mum at AGOSCI, Day 1" or ALS Patient uses 3D Printing to Create Eye Tracking Wheelchair
It sounds like good times were had by all!
Established in 1981, AGOSCI is an inclusive group interested in enhancing the participation of all people with complex communication needs. AGOSCI also aims to build the capacity of society to achieve our vision.
Our vision is that people with complex communication needs participate fully in all aspects of life.
AGOSCI’s membership includes individuals with complex communication needs, family and community members, teachers, speech pathologists and other professionals.
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