The Southern California Augmentative and Alternative Communication Network... a support group for professional development, problem solving, leadership, mentoring, and training in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to develop communication in non-speaking and minimally verbal individuals in the Southern California Region.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Some CSHA 2013 Highlights

Eileen Crowe, ASHA liaison to western region state associations, presented on the use of "Support Personnel - Training, Trends and Regulation." Great information for those working with Speech-Language Pathology Assistants!

Terry Kappe, SLP
Thanks to all of you that attended the session "AAC, the iPad and Autism: Moving Beyond Choice-Making" by SCAAC-Networkers, Gwendolyn Meier and Terry Kappe. CLICK HERE to link to the entire slideshow.

Edythe Strand took us back to school with her presentation on differential diagnosis of childhood apraxia of speech, dysarthria and severe phonological disorders. This slide (above) from her presentation provided a succinct shorthand to disambiguation of these.

This image from Shari Robertson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) illustrates the progression of learning. Before we learn to TALK, we first LISTEN. We will not use a vocabulary word (correctly) in interaction if first we do not understand the meaning of that word. We can listen to and understand more of what we hear than we are able to ourselves express through talking. If a word isn't in your oral vocabulary, you can't READ and understand it. You may be able to decode it (string together the sounds that form the word or recognize the word shape itself), but possibly without meaning. Likewise, before using WRITING to communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas we must be able to read and understand the words we intend to use...All of these language and literacy skills support students' ability to make sense of and move forward in the content areas that comprise our educational system.

Congratulations to SCAAC-N's own, Sonia Aller (pictured left, with Gwendolyn) on her 2013 Outstanding Achievement award from District 7. CLICK HERE and scroll down to see all of the award recipients from Districts 6 and 7.

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