The Southern California Augmentative and Alternative Communication Network... a support group for professional development, problem solving, leadership, mentoring, and training in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to develop communication in non-speaking and minimally verbal individuals in the Southern California Region.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Getting Started with a Head Mouse - Fungooms!

Over the past 8 months I have been working with an amazing teacher at Villa Esperanza Non-Public School and together we have tried and tried to find an intentional movement for a little girl in kindergarten who has Rett Syndrome. This student has had no assistive tech until now, she does not have functional use of her arms or hands, and has very unreliable control of her head and her gaze. 

The student's one-to-one aide is using a low tech, simple communication book loosely based on the PODD system to talk TO her to aid in comprehension and to prompt gaze shifting. 

In the absence of access to an eye gaze system (~$20K is outside our budget), her teacher has used the HeadMouse Extreme with the Dragger software (allows for dwell over a location on the screen to convert to a mouse click) and online computer games to help this little lady to direct her head, hold it still, track, and respond to cause-and-effect visuals (she likes the games with movement that incorporate music!). 

The search for appropriate, free, online games that are simple, simple, simple to activate has been difficult. But I think I've got a line on a group of games that will be PERFECT for the very first steps in head mouse learning. has a great set of games that meet these criteria.
I don't know much about the Fungooms, but some of their online games are amazingly simple and accessible even at this primer level for a head mouse user. 

Below I have included a brief description of each game with with an "X" over games that require dragging or timing or aim of some sort. That's not what we're looking for here. We are looking for intentional head movement and dwell (cessation of movement over a medium-sized target). And I think we're onto something!

Try Fungooms out for yourself!

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