- I Have A Question: “How can I connect with others who use
Minspeak and support people who use Minspeak?” In today’s world, more
and more people connect through social media. Try interacting with
others through the Minspeak Facebook page Get connected today.
- Core in the Classroom: During Social Studies, students talk about history, geography, government, civics, and economics. Use Civics 101 to have nine key concepts from a civics lesson defined with core vocabulary.
- The Pixon Project: Pixons can be used as teaching materials
for picturing the metaphors behind Unity® icon sequences. The word for
this week is “love.” Compare the Pixon
to the icon sequence
. Teach the meaning of the word “love” using props, such as red hearts
and a toy baby with a blanket. Re-enact hugging the baby and talking
about “love” as an action. Look at any Valentines the student received.
Make a list of people that the student loves and people who love the
student, with examples of what people do to show their love, like
hugging, saying nice things, and helping them.
- Spotlight on PALSS: Go to the Minspeak website for the 2013 schedule and registration materials.
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