- Pixon Teaching Tip: Pixons can be used as teaching
materials for picturing the metaphors behind Unity® icon sequences. The
word for this week is “make.” Compare the Pixon
to the icon sequence
. Teach the meaning of the word “make” using cookie cutter props with
raw cookie dough or bread. You can “make” cookies for the holidays or
sandwiches for a party. Extend the meaning making holiday cards, making
your bed, making an art project, making up after fighting, and making up
a story, etc.
- Intervention Planning: Practice the word “make” in two-word
phrases, such as “make some,” “to make more,” “making it,” and “made
that.” Practice future, present and past tense in sequential activities
(I will make it, I am making it, I made it). Check out the Language Lab: Core Words App from PRC to practice the word “make.”
- Teaching Materials Exchange: Read It is Christmas Time.
The book is coded with Pixons and icon sequences from Unity®45,
Unity®60, Unity®84, and Unity®144. Go to the Minspeak website for more Christmas materials!
- Register today for the ATIA 2013 Conference which includes presentations that support or feature people who use Minspeak or Pixons!
- Pittsburgh AAC Language Seminar Series: Register TODAY for an upcoming seminar series. Go to the Minspeak website for the schedule and registration materials.
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